New website for Derby SENDIASS

Published: 19th Sep 2018 in

"We can't thank you enough for all your hard work bringing our website to life!"

Derby SENDIASS website

Here's a brand new website for Derby SENDIASS, an organisation providing impartial information and advice to parents, carers and young people in Derby City. 

This is the first website for Derby SENDIASS as previously their online information resided on a page at the Derby City council website. The team's main aims and objectives for the website were to reduce their time responding to common enquiries by providing clear, easy-to-find information on a wide range of topics relating to special educational needs for children and young people. The content itself includes downloadable documents, videos and presentations and there are accessibility and language tools to ensure as broad a reach as possible to potential visitors and service users.

Derby SENDIASS mobile views is of course powered by our very own Green Hosting

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