Blog archive 2024
We are 20 years old!
Our business is officially 20 years old! In 2004, two twenty-somethings embarked on a new adventure of entrepreneurship. After having worked in the IT training industry and the voluntary and education sectors we were motivated and inspired by seeing what can be achived when passionate people want to bring about positive change and by wanting to work our own ... read more

Help us celebrate our 20th business anniversary
To celebrate our 20th business anniversary and to say thank you for your custom we are excited to offer you the opportunity to win a year of free website hosting. It's simple to enter: This offer is for our clients but if you're not already a client, read to the end... Send us a message or memorable moment of our working together that we can ... read more

It’s been 20 years! Share your memorable moments with us.
Calling all Make Hay and Green Hosting clients This September will mark our 20th business anniversary. Wow, where did that time go?! On the approach to this big milestone we're taking a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that has brought us to where we are today. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to work with you over the years and ... read more