Happy 16th to us!
Published: 1st Oct 2020 in
This month our business turns 16 years old.
16th business birthdays are not usually considered to be significant, well not as significant as 10th, 25th or even 50th birthdays. But you know what? With all of the sad and frightening things happening in the world right now we decided to celebrate this milestone anyway. We all need bit of good news and still being here is an achievement for anyone right now.
We’re sending out love to other entrepreneurs too, especially those in the ethical business space. And to those giving their time or money to help their fellow humans, animals and the planet. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t your birthday, you’re still here and just by doing that you’re smashing it. Give yourself a pat on the back and raise a glass.
We’re going to have some fizz later and tuck into this celebration brownie made by Clemie’s Vegan Cakes, a wonderful local business here in Nottingham.
I thought about writing a little post about the origins of Make Hay and Green Hosting, how we came to start this business and the things we’ve seen, done and enjoyed over the years but then I decided I didn’t really feel like looking back. If anything, now is a good time to look forward and focus on the positive things in life.
So here’s to our clients! Of course, without them we wouldn’t be here in our 16th year and planning for many more. When I think of the individuals, brands and organisations we’ve worked in the past and present I smile because, honestly, they demonstrate that people are amazing. We learn from our clients all the time and they are creating positive change in every industry across the spectrum – fashion, education, art, leisure, health, food, business support, design, campaigning, energy, conservation, travel, law… I could go on.
Here’s to ethical business! Especially small businesses - tenacious survivors, flexible, hard-working, supportive and loving. Small yet making a very large impact. If all businesses made changes to operate like you then the world would be a completely different place for the better. Corporations and large businesses know that customers want them be accountable for their actions and that’s why they’re switching on to the ethical issues (with or without the greenwashing) that you hold in your heart. Keep going, you are the answer.
Most importantly, here’s to our loved ones! If 2020 has shown us all anything it’s how precious the people around us are.